During this workshop you will:

  • Learn the benefits of using metaphor and storytelling with children
  • Experience the benefits of storytelling and metaphor for yourself
  • Receive practical story ideas and activities to share with children
  • Explore creative methods that further enhance the storytelling experience
  • Build confidence in your own creative abilities  

What to Expect

    1. Therapeutic Storytelling Webinar

    2. Powerpoint Slides

    3. Evaluation

    4. Certificate

About this webinar

  • 4 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • 30.00

Meet Sophie

Sophie Marsh

Sophie is a registered play therapist, therapeutic storyteller and an international author. She is passionate about supporting children through play, creativity and of course, stories. Sophie is best known for her Stay Home Superheroes story, which was translated into 20 different languages and shared in over 50 countries, helping thousands of children to cope during lockdown. Sophie now empowers others to harness the magic of storytelling through her training, stories and courses.

What People Are Saying

“A fantastic insight into the powerful way stories can be used to help children express how they are feeling. Sophie is amazing at what she does, and her passion and commitment to children shines through.”


“Sophie has such a supportive nature and is very approachable. I would recommend this course to anyone... I didn't realise how many ideas I had until I listened to Sophie’s training. Thank you so much Sophie! ”

Workshop participant

“If you are interested in the benefits of therapeutic stories, then I urge you to go on a journey with ‘Sophie’s Stories’. You won’t regret it!”

Course Participant

“Wonderful afternoon diving into the magic of stories! Thank you for an inspiring introductory session, I look forward to exploring further the power of storytelling in my therapeutic work.”

“Sophie provides a powerful and accessible training for using narrative in therapy with children. She provides useful, practical activities that can be translated to working with clients right away. I highly recommend her training.”


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